How Facebook ads targets you and your location is traceble even if you off location service??

We all see different kinds of ads across Facebook and Instagram while news feeding. Apps like google, Facebook makes revenue out from displaying ads. Facebook is the most targeted form of advertising. It really works and convince user to buy something. I’m going to reveal few things about Facebook ads, location tracking and it’s working based on your activity on and off from Facebook.

How the ads work?

you’ll see ads based on your location,gender,age, interest,activity etc.. let me explain you with example, you’ll see ads from some dating apps because your relationship status info updated as single. Also your age and education details helps to display education related or job searching apps ads. Your friends activity also the reason for seeing some ads because they reacted to some kind of posts which results in displaying the same ads to you. Facebook use algorithms and tools to display ads.

Facebook ads preference

You can use manage ad preference to show ads based on your wish but it’s impossible to use Facebook without ads. If you don’t allow ads preference still you see ads which isn’t relevant to you.

How your offline activity or visiting other websites helps Facebook to display ads?

Advertisers or websites upload a list to Facebook when you share information like your email or mobile number with other websites they add it to the customer list that can be matched to your Facebook profile. Facebook then try to match the ad to the most relevant users. I think Below uploaded image helps you to understand clearly.

Apps shown in this image use my info to upload list with Facebook

Advertisers or websites keep your info even after buying particular products from them and used it to convince you to buy again in future by offering 10%, 50% or some percentage discounts.

How your location is tracked even in disabled condition ???

This new tracking method comes from researchers at Princeton University. The team was able to create an app and place about 2,000 lines of code in it to detect information from sensors that it doesn’t need special permission to access. These include the accelerometer, magnetometer, and barometer. It also identifies your device’s IP address, time zone, and network status (connected to either mobile data or Wi-Fi).

The trick in accurately tracking a person with this method is finding out what kind of activity they’re performing. Whether they’re walking, driving a car, or riding in a train or airplane, it’s pretty easy to figure out when you know what you’re looking for.

The sensors can determine how fast a person is traveling and what kind of movements they make. Moving at a slow pace in one direction indicates walking. Going a little bit quicker but turning at 90-degree angles means driving. Faster yet, we’re in train or airplane territory. Those are easy to figure out based on speed and air pressure. I think this information somehow helps you to understand or gives you some basic idea about the info you provide in apps or websites you visit and how it will help them to makes revenue out from advertising to users.

Which one is good: conservancy workers

We all know the difficulties faced by conservancy workers during covid19.

Photos of people doing paadha Pooja

We all know the difficulties faced by the conservancy workers during covid19 pandemic.we’ve seen people doing “paadha Pooja” to those workers for their extraordinary work.Although it’s really a good gesture to show respect towards this people but the real respect during this pandemic and after the pandemic is disposing your waste in a proper way that’s really helpful to these people.

You have to separate your waste into bio-degradable and Non-bio degradable and it should be a dry waste. While walking in the streets I saw people cleaning the drainage full of plastic bottles,sauce bottles, plastic covers which blocked the way the water flows which results in stagnation and overflow in some places. We can avoid this by disposing it in dustbin.

Here are some of the things we should follow:

1.Avoid plastic water bottle during traveling carry your own water bottle.Use packaged water bottle during unavoidable situation but throw it in dustbin once it’s empty if you don’t find any dustbin keep it yourself till you find one.

2. Avoid take aways foods(parcel) in restaurants it will reduce the wastage.Try to eat in restaurants.

3. If you ordered your food through delivery app like swiggy, zomato empty the extra sambhar,chutney covers after finishing your meal or dinner and then dispose it in dustbin.

4.Always keep some cloth bags in your vechicle it will help you to avoid buying plastic covers

If each and everyone will follow this simple things I think this will help them a lot when compare with those paatha Pooja to respect these conservancy workers..